Virus highlights plight of Europe’s migrant farm hands

Virus highlights plight of Europe’s migrant farm hands

From Romania, Poland, Morocco and Thailand, thousands of people flock to Western Europe each year to help farmers harvest precious crops, often paid low wages for long, backbreaking days of work. The migrant labourers’ often poor work conditions are a point of recurring controversy, but

French cereal production figures to drop this year

French cereal production figures to drop this year

The Ministry of Agriculture’s statistics department, Agreste, forecasts that soft wheat production is likely to fall by almost 25% in 2020, because of weather. Producers are asking the government for an “emergency plan”. Wheat harvests are expected to be disappointing this year. According to Agreste’s

US ‘cloud’ supremacy has Europe worried about data

US ‘cloud’ supremacy has Europe worried about data

Europe is sitting on a wealth of data that is the 21st century equivalent of a precious metal mine during the gold rush. But instead of exploiting it themselves Europeans may be allowing American tech giants to gain control of all the excavation equipment, some

Jobless and desperate: the post-lockdown reality for many

Jobless and desperate: the post-lockdown reality for many

Many workers’ lives have been abruptly upended by the coronavirus pandemic, as job losses in tourism, air travel, food and drink and other industries hit those both on fixed contracts and in the informal sector. From employees making a comfortable living, to others just scraping

EU grants emergency funds as pandemic weakens wildlife conservation

EU grants emergency funds as pandemic weakens wildlife conservation

Endangered species face a higher risk of poaching as the coronavirus crisis reaches local communities, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has warned. Emergency EU funding Six million euros (7 million dollars) of emergency EU funding will be made available to bolster conservation,