Nordics welfare model limits corona economic damage

Nordics welfare model limits corona economic damage

While the coronavirus crisis has pushed Europe’s economies into record second quarter slumps, Nordic countries have fared better than most, with their well-oiled welfare states helping to limit the damage. Without the government’s help, Markus Larsson insists, “we would have had to lay off maybe

Spain foreign tourist arrivals fell 75% in July

Spain foreign tourist arrivals fell 75% in July

Foreign tourist arrivals in Spain plummeted by 75 percent year-on-year in July despite the reopening of borders in the world’s second-most popular tourist destination, official figures have shown. July was the first full month of Spain’s new normality since Madrid reopened its frontiers on June

France: A spider bites him, he’s almost amputated

France: A spider bites him, he’s almost amputated

A 60-year-old man was bitten in his sleep by a spider, causing necrosis of his hand. The man’s misadventure could be the biggest nightmare for arachnophobes. Which person with a deep-rooted fear of spiders has never had an unpleasant dream in which a little eight-legged

The party goes on for French ravers, despite pandemic and police

The party goes on for French ravers, despite pandemic and police

Summer time is rave time in France but this year battle lines have been drawn between authorities alarmed at the risk of coronavirus and serious party-goers determined to dance on. Ravers, called “teufeurs” in French back slang, speak of “resistance” against a crackdown by security

Mutating terror threat still looms over Europe

Mutating terror threat still looms over Europe

The terrorist threat against Europe has mutated in the last half-decade as jihadist groups have seen their Middle East sanctuaries eroded, but analysts say the West must remain braced for more attacks. Both Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group — together responsible for the highest-profile

Drought in France: The forests in great danger

Drought in France: The forests in great danger

Making no noise, the trees are dying out in the forests of France. Global warming and successive droughts are to blame. French trees are suffering. And with them, they threaten our forests with extinction. “Three successive dry springs and summers, we’ve seen nothing like this,”