Working from home is still “very much encouraged” in France

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During his appearance on the broadcast Le Grand Jury on Sunday, September 27th, the Health Minister, Olivier Véran, spoke again about working from home in businesses, reminding that this way is still “encouraged”.

“When employers do not play the game, the government must take its responsibilities”

Olivier Véran, spoke about working from home, stressing that it is “very much encouraged whenever possible”. According to him, this working method is encouraged especially “for people who are carriers of disease, in areas of heightened and maximum alert”.

The Health Minister also stated that there is no need to be afraid of working from home while explaining that his own ministry has “maintained working from home on a massive scale”, reports the RTL radio. According to an official, “over 50% of employees are working from home” at the Ministry of the Interior. “This is nothing to be afraid of.” Olivier Véran pointed out that: “When the employers don’t play the game, the government must take its responsibilities”.

>>> READ ALSO – Working from home has declined significantly in France, despite the continued spread of the coronavirus

Companies’ “common sense” about working from home

During a press briefing at the start of the new school year, the General Secretary of the CFDT trade union, Laurent Berger, questioned the government on the subject of working from home. He urged the government to take responsibility for “framing” remote working “if the employers refused to open negotiations on the subject”.

Olivier Véran reacted by indicating that “common sense prevails”. The Health Minister then commented that: “When you know that you are in charge of a company that can run very well if the employees don’t drive for an hour in the morning and don’t expose each other, it is your responsibility to tell and encourage them”.

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