France: will we soon have to book our checkout at the supermarket?

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Several French supermarket chains have started to test the booking of time slots for checkout, to save time in the queue. Let’s have a look.

We all have memories of more or less pleasant experiences at the supermarket checkout. Often, the queue is endless and can annoy some people. Therefore, several supermarket chains have decided to reduce checkout time.

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Carrefour had already set up a scheme in 2016 to make the checkout process more pleasant through time slots booking. In fact, this trial proved successful, hence the brand’s desire to implement this system again.

The experiment will, therefore, be renewed from August 25, at the Villiers-en-Bière store, in the Seine-et-Marne department (east of Paris).

How does it work?

As reported in the weekly magazine Capital, the brand has partnered with the company ESII and worked around a QR code and a new service called “C’Réservé”. The customer, equipped with his smartphone, will, therefore, have to scan a QR Code which will send him back to the C’Réservé app.

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Once logged into the app, the customer will have to specify whether he is using a cart or a basket and book the chosen time slot. To reserve it, he will have to fill in his personal details (last name, first name, email).

For now, the only store concerned is the one in Villiers-en-Bière, and the retailer has not announced whether the C’Réservé service will be deployed elsewhere. So stay tuned!

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