France: “We are at war against Islamist terrorism, and we must win it,” says Interior Minister

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(Photo: Alfonso Jimenez / SIPA)

The Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin, declared on Sunday, September 27th, that France is “at war against Islamist terrorism”.

“We must win this war”

During his visit to the Boulogne-Billancourt synagogue on Sunday, Gérald Darmanin told a handful of journalists: “We are at war against Islamist terrorism,” reported the newspaper Le Figaro. “And we must win this war,” the Interior Minister also added, two days after the stabbing attack near the former Charlie Hebdo premises.

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The perpetrator of the terrorist attack was a Pakistani national, who caused two people to be seriously injured. He confessed that he had done so because he was angry after the satirical magazine republished the cartoons of Mohammed.

“32 attacks” thwarted in the last three months

During this speech to the press, the Interior Minister, together with Police Prefect, Didier Lallement, also revealed that “32 attacks” had been thwarted in France in the last three years.

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Gérald Darmanin also reported a “critical situation” in the country while stressing that the government “has not lowered its guard”. “We will increase security at many sites, such as synagogues,” he also announced.

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