France: the vast majority of large cities’ residents approve of “anti-car” policies

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As part of World Car Free Day on Tuesday, September 22nd, a survey conducted by the IFOP institute for the website Caroom revealed the wishes of the population living in large urban centres.

Reduce the importance of the car in municipalities

1,031 people took part in the IFOP for Caroom survey entitled “Anti-car measures and the place of the car in large cities at Covid time”. They published the results of the survey on Tuesday, September 22nd, which is the World Car Free Day. It was revealed that 62% of French people would like to see a clear reduction in the car’s place in their town. A scenario which was supported by 79% of 18-24-year-olds and 76% of 25-34-year-olds. Professional and managerial staff also support this idea (66%), as do the green party EELV sympathisers (95%). “The inhabitants of large cities agree on most of the anti-car measures,” François Kraus, director of the IFOP news centre, told Franceinfo TV channel.

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Encouraging cycle paths

According to the survey, most residents of large cities (57%) are in favour of self-service vehicle systems, and the development of cycle paths in their municipality (55%). Between 2015 and 2020, city dwellers increasingly opted for the bicycle as a means of daily transport. The figure rose from 5% to 15%. With the coronavirus pandemic, the bicycle which is much less anxious than public transport has also been favoured. “Only 14% of cyclists are afraid of being infected with the coronavirus every day, compared with 31% of walkers, 57% of metro users and 68% of train users,” IFOP noted.

Raising street parking fees

Parking remains a stumbling block. In fact, 77% of the inhabitants of the large cities support the increase in street parking rates and 74% support the reduction of parking spaces on the street or in basements. Only 34% of car drivers, 39% of public transport users, and 36% of cyclists say they are satisfied with traffic conditions. The institute believes that this situation is the result of frequent traffic jams and the lack of orderly parking spaces.

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