France: Health Minister says he doesn’t want another lockdown

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“We don’t want to completely stop the economic, social and cultural life of the French people,” said the Health Minister, Olivier Véran, during an interview with the show Le Grand Jury on Sunday, September 27th.

Tightening restrictions rather than another lockdown

Facing the increase in the number of fresh cases of coronavirus in France, the government has tightened restrictive measures to avoid another lockdown.

In major cities, which are among the risk zones and classified as maximum alert, such as Paris and Aix-Marseille, bars and restaurants will close earlier, at 10 pm. The restriction, which will last for a fortnight, apply from Sunday, September 27th, for Marseille, and from Monday, September 28th, for Paris.

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“I don’t plan two months ahead,” said the Health Minister

In the show Le Grand Jury, Olivier Véran made a point of underlining that the government does not want another lockdown for the country.

Meanwhile, two Nobel Prize winners Esther Duflo and Abhjit Banerjee have suggested temporarily lockdown France before the Christmas holidays. The Minister of Health reacted to this proposal by replying that: “Going to expect a three-week confinement seems to me to be a prediction, but I prefer anticipation. I don’t plan two months ahead,” reports RTL radio.

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