France: €400 million allocated to boost teachers’ incomes

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The National Assembly voted in the first reading, Wednesday, October 28th, the budget of National Education for the year 2021. Four hundred million euros will be released for teachers.

Wednesday evening, the National Assembly voted in the first reading the National Education budget for 2021. A budget of 400 million euros will be dedicated to the upgrading of teachers, especially those at the beginning of their careers.

This budget includes a package to finance various bonuses, including an attractiveness bonus for teachers at the beginning or middle of their career (€260 million for a full year). The financing plan also includes a computer equipment bonus (€178 million) of €150 net per year for each teacher.

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The Education Conference, launched by Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer on October 22nd, aimed to put teachers more “at the centre of society”. This consultation, which is supposed to last three months, should lead to the “modernisation of the national education system” and an increase in teachers’ salaries.

At the beginning of their careers, French teachers’ salaries are 7% lower than the average in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. Promises of budget increases leave the unions confused. They believe that the overall funding does not meet the “salary downgrading” of the profession.

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