Coronavirus in France: “Working from home is not an option,” but an “obligation”

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Given the worsening epidemic situation in France, the country is once again on lockdown. On Thursday, October 29th, the Minister of Labour stressed the importance of working from home in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus.

“Working from home will be widespread wherever possible”

During his address on television on Wednesday, October 28th, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, announced the return of national lockdown to stem the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. He called for “widespread working from home wherever possible”. The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, clarified the following day that this practice should now be carried out systematically as soon as possible.

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“This requirement will be included in the new version of the national protocol for companies”

Recently, the Minister of Labour has repeatedly recalled the importance of remote working in the health crises context. Elisabeth Borne stated on Thursday: “working from home is not an option, this obligation will be included in the new version of the national protocol for companies”. Thus, teleworking must be set up “five days out of five” for employees who are able to do so.

A way to reduce social interactions

Elisabeth Borne explained that social interactions will have to be further reduced. In this context, home working is, according to her, an effective way to achieve this. “In all companies, workers whose activities can be carried out remotely must work from home,” she stressed on Thursday.

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