Coronavirus: Almost 2 out of 3 French people support the wearing of masks outside

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(Photo: Département des Yvelines / Flickr)

Most French people are now supporting the wearing of masks outdoors. Nearly two-thirds of them want it to become compulsory in open public places, according to a survey by the IFOP institute for the Journal du Dimanche newspaper.

According to the IFOP survey carried out between August 5 and 7 for the Journal du Dimanche, 64% of French people want the wearing of masks “to become compulsory for anyone going to an open public place”. Only 36% say they are against it.

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It highlights a shift in public opinion compared to a previous poll conducted in mid-July by IFOP-Fiducial for CNews TV channel and Sud Radio. In the latter, 56% of people polled were against the requirement to wear a mask in open public places, while only 44% supported the idea.

Masks have been compulsory in closed public places in France since July 20. The offender is liable to a 135 euro fine.

The compulsory wearing of masks outdoors (streets, public parks and gardens, markets, beaches and other tourist sites) is also being extended to more and more towns and cities in the country.

Mandatory masks in Paris and many other major cities in France

Since Monday, August 11, it has been compulsory in busy areas of Paris as well as in Seine-Saint-Denis, Hauts-de-Seine, Val-de-Marne and Val-d’Oise departments around the French capital. They follow in the footsteps of Marseille, Ajaccio, Carcassonne, Bordeaux, Rennes or Lille.

In an interview with the Journal du Dimanche, immunology professor Jean-François Delfraissy, head of the Scientific Council in charge of helping the government manage the health crisis, said that the requirement to wear the mask outside would streamline the government’s message. He added that the mask would “impose itself naturally”.

Regarding the epidemic’s trend in France, “the situation appears to be contained but remains very fragile”, Jean-François Delfraissy emphasised. This confirms the analysis of the Scientific Council which had recently warned that the situation could “tip over at any moment,” towards an uncontrolled resurgence.

READ ALSO – France: Scientific Council warns of a second epidemic wave “in autumn or winter”

The key indicators for monitoring the Covid-19 epidemic continue to worsen in France. The number of fresh cases announced in recent days shows an unprecedented increase since May.

“Some metrics are very high, the clusters are definitely well spotted, but they are widespread. Fortunately, there are no red flags in terms of hospitalisations. The epidemic seems different, it affects a younger population,” added the immunologist.

He also highlights the need to “find the right message” to get young people to wear masks.

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