Category Archives: Society

Coronavirus: With no new dates, singles turn to... their ex

Coronavirus: With no new dates, singles turn to… their ex

Covid-19 not only changed the way we shop or take public transport. For singles, it has redefined the way of seduction. A survey conducted by Ifop for the Pornhub website, and published by Le Parisien, reveals the tremendous changes that those who are looking for

Jobless and desperate: the post-lockdown reality for many

Jobless and desperate: the post-lockdown reality for many

Many workers’ lives have been abruptly upended by the coronavirus pandemic, as job losses in tourism, air travel, food and drink and other industries hit those both on fixed contracts and in the informal sector. From employees making a comfortable living, to others just scraping

Is France heading towards a revival of night trains?

Is France heading towards a revival of night trains?

As part of its ecological shift, the government has announced a plan to revive night trains. But its strategy remains unclear, while their development involves some difficulties. Expected to disappear a few years ago and abandoned for a long time by the public authorities, the

Banks: More than 2,100 ATMs removed in France in 2019

Banks: More than 2,100 ATMs removed in France in 2019

The number of automatic teller machines (ATM) is constantly falling in France. In 2019, this decrease of slightly over 4% hit the most densely populated areas of the country, according to Banque de France figures. There are fewer and fewer automatic teller machines (ATM) in