Category Archives: France News

Macron and Merkel want to promote Franco-German unity

Macron and Merkel want to promote Franco-German unity

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was invited by French President Emmanuel Macron to the summer residence of Fort de Brégançon, in the Var department (southeastern France) on Thursday, August 20. They openly showed the unity between the two countries. Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron stand together

The Tour de France abolishes the “podium-girls”

The Tour de France abolishes the “podium-girls”

The Tour de France director, Christian Prudhomme, announced that the “podium-girls” will no longer hand over the jerseys at the end of each stage. The tradition was considered sexist by women’s rights advocates. For decades, women have been handing out different jerseys at the end

Drought in France: Further help for farmers and stockbreeders

Drought in France: Further help for farmers and stockbreeders

To address the drought in France, the Minister of Agriculture, Julien Denormandie, announced on Friday the opening of the compensation system for climatic “calamities” and tax relief. The French government will allow the opening of the “disaster” compensation scheme to farmers and stockbreeders who are