All posts by Simon Brown

Tobacco sales down in France this year, but revenue up

Tobacco sales down in France this year, but revenue up

Despite a decline in tobacco sales quantities related to the lockdown in 2020, French government revenue from tobacco duties is expected to increase by 10%. A decrease in tobacco sales volume Because of the confinement caused by the novel coronavirus, cross-border tobacco sales have been

France: Unemployment falls sharply in August

France: Unemployment falls sharply in August

A further fall in unemployment, for the fourth consecutive month, was recorded in August in France. – 4,3% in August The 4.3% drop in the number of jobseekers in August is explained, as in previous months, by the transfer of unemployed people from category A

Covid-19 in France: over 1,000 classes closed

Covid-19 in France: over 1,000 classes closed

A few weeks after the start of the school year, thousands of pupils are contaminated by the coronavirus in France. Over 1,000 classes have been closed. Nearly 20 schools closed According to the latest data from the French Education Ministry, which were stopped at midday

France: A spider bites him, he’s almost amputated

France: A spider bites him, he’s almost amputated

A 60-year-old man was bitten in his sleep by a spider, causing necrosis of his hand. The man’s misadventure could be the biggest nightmare for arachnophobes. Which person with a deep-rooted fear of spiders has never had an unpleasant dream in which a little eight-legged