All posts by ednHUB

The race for a Covid-19 vaccine heats up

The race for a Covid-19 vaccine heats up

Dozens of companies, from biotech start-ups to Big Pharma, are racing to develop a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine, because the world needs it and for the potential pay day. Here’s an update on the quest for a magic bullet against the coronavirus that has

Coronavirus treatments: some progress, no panacea

Coronavirus treatments: some progress, no panacea

The pandemic has seen unprecedented global efforts to discover a safe and effective treatment, either by developing new medicines to target the novel coronavirus or repurposing existing drugs. But very few of the drugs tested and administered so far have proven effective, a conclusion reinforced

UK PM to talk to EU chief as Brexit talks run out of time

UK PM to talk to EU chief as Brexit talks run out of time

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson will talk to EU chief Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday, as both sides blame each other for blocking progress in post-Brexit trade talks ahead of a key EU summit. The pair’s call comes on the eve of Johnson’s self-imposed

Why is the ECB eyeing a ‘digital euro’?

Why is the ECB eyeing a ‘digital euro’?

The European Central Bank will on Monday launch a public consultation and start experiments to help it decide whether to create a “digital euro” for the 19-nation currency club. The move comes as the pandemic accelerates a shift away from cash, and as policymakers nervously

EU to slap fresh sanctions on Russia over Navalny poisoning

EU to slap fresh sanctions on Russia over Navalny poisoning

EU foreign ministers have agreed to prepare fresh sanctions on Russia over the poisoning of leading dissident Alexei Navalny, diplomatic sources confirmed to dpa on Monday, despite Moscow’s insistence it was not involved. Sanctions on Russia for the poisoning of Navalny… The agreement came at a meeting

Spain hopes to create 800,000 jobs with economic rescue plan

Spain hopes to create 800,000 jobs with economic rescue plan

Facing resurgent virus infections, Spain’s government has unveiled an EU-funded recovery plan aimed at creating over 800,000 new jobs and yanking the country out of its worst economic slump in decades. The pandemic has pulverised Spain’s tourism-dependent economy, with the government warning Tuesday that GDP

French fishermen on tenterhooks as Brexit talks drag on

French fishermen on tenterhooks as Brexit talks drag on

In the dead of night, a French trawler cuts through the Channel’s pitch-black waters on a hunt for cuttlefish that takes captain Pierre Lepretre and his crew across British lines. For decades French fishermen have cast a wide net across the strait that acts as