All posts by EDJNet

Plastic packaging: Europe faces a waste problem

Plastic packaging: Europe faces a waste problem

As a result of more stringent standards, recycling of plastic packaging is set to fall in the EU. Without better industrial capacity, the EU will not reach its 50% target in five years’ time. And illegal exports are likely to increase. The EU is facing

Big Tech’s aggressive EU lobbying has caused a power shift

Big Tech’s aggressive EU lobbying has caused a power shift

The drastic increase of lobbying expenditure by Big Tech companies is denting Europe’s traditionally strict privacy laws and shifting more power into the hands of corporations. And the COVID-19 is playing in the latter’s hand. Although Europe is known as the most rigorous watchdog of

The UK is no longer the top Erasmus destination for students

The UK is no longer the top Erasmus destination for students

While some of the effects of Brexit are still difficult to assess, the Erasmus+ exchange programme has already suffered the consequences. However, British universities wish to maintain their participation in the European programme. Many students have been deprived of the Erasmus+ exchange programme this year because

Nine-in-ten EU regions face revenue plunge

Nine-in-ten EU regions face revenue plunge

Almost every local government across the EU expects a sharp decrease in revenues this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Expenditure on health, social services and civil protection has boomed, while income from tourism and the economy is decreasing. Almost every local government across the

What will the Euro effect be in Croatia?

What will the Euro effect be in Croatia?

Within the next two or three years, Croatia will enter the Eurozone, with the euro becoming the country’s official currency. Entry is expected to have an impact on both foreign trade and society at large, coming with increasing constraints and opportunities. Right after the latest parliamentary

It's time for Croatia to embrace the European Green Deal

It’s time for Croatia to embrace the European Green Deal

Average temperatures are rising more and more in the Zagreb region, while snow cover is decreasing year after year. However, Jagoda Munić, Director of Friends of the Earth Europe says that “Croatia is a very passive observer of developments around the European Green Deal.” The

COVID-19: an excuse for increased digital surveillance?

COVID-19: an excuse for increased digital surveillance?

To monitor the spread of the new coronavirus, EU member states have taken additional surveillance measures potentially putting some fundamental rights at risk. Even Prime Minister Jean Castex admitted to not having downloaded the French “Stop-COVID” app last week when questioned on the French TV programme

Unhealthy environment makes unhealthy Europeans

Unhealthy environment makes unhealthy Europeans

According to the latest European Environment Agency report, a significant proportion of the burden of disease in Europe continues to be attributed to environmental pollution resulting from human activity. The state of the environment in Europe is negatively affecting the health and quality of life