All posts by Louise Caron

Drought in France: The forests in great danger

Drought in France: The forests in great danger

Making no noise, the trees are dying out in the forests of France. Global warming and successive droughts are to blame. French trees are suffering. And with them, they threaten our forests with extinction. “Three successive dry springs and summers, we’ve seen nothing like this,”

France jumps in the global innovation ranking!

France jumps in the global innovation ranking!

France moves up 4 places in the global innovation ranking, climbing to the 12th position, according to the GII international index. A significant improvement, according to the INSEAD business school. But France remains behind the United Kingdom (4th in the ranking) and Germany (9th). Thanks

Back to normal activity in French shopping centres?

Back to normal activity in French shopping centres?

According to the National Council of Shopping Centres (CNCC), the recovery is definitely underway in France’s shopping centres. Slowly but surely. Over the first seven months of 2020, the index calculated by the CNCC – based on the turnover generated – shows a performance amounting