Registration of new companies in France continue to recover in July

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The biggest increase in the registration of new companies is in accommodation and catering. It mainly relates to fast-food activities, according to the national statistics institute INSEE.

The number of business creations in France increased again in July, after their sharp rise in May and June, especially in accommodation and catering activities, the INSEE said Wednesday, August 26th.

Over the entire month of July, registrations rose “strongly” by 9%, the national statistics institute said. The sharpest increase was in accommodation and catering (+42.2%) and it was “mainly in fast-food activities”.

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This was followed by the household services segment (+15.9%).

Taking all categories together, 82,086 businesses were created in France last month, after 75,331 in June and 54,552 in May. For the second month in a row, they have thus returned to their pre-crisis levels.

Besides, the amount of standard companies created has risen even more (+13.4%) than micro-enterprises (+4.6%), according to the INSEE.

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