Coronavirus: With no new dates, singles turn to… their ex

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Covid-19 not only changed the way we shop or take public transport. For singles, it has redefined the way of seduction.

A survey conducted by Ifop for the Pornhub website, and published by Le Parisien, reveals the tremendous changes that those who are looking for (making) love have to face. The primary lesson to remember: the coronavirus has brought back the ex.

Among the single people surveyed, the old recipes are being recycled: 25% of those surveyed had sexual intercourse with an ex or a regular partner they were already dating before the lockdown. Why? Because opportunities to meet new partners are rare, according to François Kraus, director of the Gender, Sexualities and Sexual Health Unit at Ifop.

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Singles fear of infection

The days of clubs and relaxed evenings, which are suitable for seduction, are over: 57% of singles say that it is “now more difficult to meet people than before”. So we prefer evenings with friends, we see people again… that we already knew.

Another brake to the dates: the Covid-19 itself. Transmission via an infected partner is frightening. 62% of respondents do not consider having sex with someone who has been infected (and who is cured). “It’s a kind of safe sex,” explains François Kraus. “This gives single people the feeling that they know how much risk there is. They are in a spirit of sexual safety and satisfaction.” Without new partners, it may be time to call a friend?

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